I think I earned some t-shirt slogans while I was in Beijing:

  • I went to Beijing and only cried twice.
  • #PioneerAward
  • I climbed the Great Wall and all I got was this lousy t-shirt (and a lungful of pollution).
  • HERO — “You are not a hero until you climb the Great Wall.” -Mao Zedong  (Or I guess you could put the quote in Chinese: 不到长城非好汉。)
  • 我不明白 (It means, “I don’t understand.”)

But anyways. I promised you all some nicer pictures than the ones that came off my phone, so please enjoy:

These are the three main palaces of the Forbidden City. And a lot of people.

The number of people became really apparent when you tried to squish them all through a small door.

Moments before this photo was taken, this fat Forbidden City kitty was chowing down on a fatter Forbidden City pigeon. But it was scaring the kids, so a man clapped loudly, which was enough to scare the cat into letting go of the pigeon, and the pigeon flew off, relatively unscathed I think.

Moped riders use these quilt thingies when they’re riding. It covers them like a blanket and the mitt things are attached to the handlebars.

One of my favorite shots of the day: Just a colorful tree in Beijing.

This is to try to give you an idea of the scale of this thing. It just goes on forever, literally as far as the eye can see (which, admittedly, isn’t too far because of the pollution).

This is a section of the wall that hasn’t been restored yet, so people aren’t allowed to walk on it. Still looks pretty good for how old it is, I’d say.

My favorite shot of the wall, when the sun came out just a bit.

Traffic in Beijing is for real.

I have lots more pictures, so if you ever want me to subject you to a grandpa-style slideshow of every shot I took, just say the word. I, of course, think they’re all artistic and beautiful and I have an interesting story about every single one. Bring a blanket and popcorn and maybe some Advil and wine and we’ll have a party.


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