The world is a nutty place. Politics are completely screwed up. People are mean to each other. Non-mutant single people can’t manage to find love. So what are a pair of women on vacation in Austin for the weekend to do?

Embrace the weird.

"i love you so much" graffiti

There’s some famous graffiti in Austin that says, “I love you so much.” I think this relates somehow to my thoughts above about the world being nutty and embracing the weird, but I’m still slightly hung over and I can’t make it all into one orderly thought.

Maybe it’s that sometimes being ridiculous is the only thing left to do, and that’s where you find the real good stuff.

Skye and I bring out the silly in each other. We’ve been friends since we were very silly 23-year-olds. We met in a romance novelist group. We share a love of stupid Christmas rom-coms. We like food and cocktails and biceps sticking out of t-shirts, and apparently that stuff doesn’t change even when you’re pushing 40.

So here’s a sampling of weird, silly and ridiculous from this weekend.

Some of the double-decker bus tour guide jokes:

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot.

Don’t worry about the guys in that upholstery factory accident. They’re recovered.

This house used to be for people. Now it’s for lawyers. (Skye liked that one.)

The three Hallmark Channel rom-coms we watched:

Hero and heroine from 'Wedding Planner Mystery'

Wedding Planner Mystery, which featured a wedding planner and a mystery. Go fig. Also a dark and handsome villain and a blonde be-cheekboned scruffy journalist hero. Murders! Betrayals! Weddings! Alas, no sex to speak of.

Characters from 'Scents and Sensibility'

Scents and Sensibility, which featured a smelly lotion-making protagonist and like FOUR KISSES. (Skye tells me Hallmark Channel usually only gives you one per movie, but this one actually had two protagonists, so we got bonuses.) Also, the whole schtick was that the sisters had to make money to pay for their youngest sister’s leukemia pills that magically made her all better. I dunno. It worked out. Tiny Tim lived.

Hero and heroine from 'Campfire Kiss'

Campfire Kiss, which has “kiss” IN THE TITLE but still only gave us one kiss. This one was my favorite because the hero was hot. What can I say? I am a woman of simple tastes. (And no, your eyes do not deceive you, that is Wonder Years Winnie, except now she’s a slightly haggard single mom of a teenage son who doesn’t bring hair ties with her when she goes camping.)

The last bar we visited had a magnet alphabet to play with. So of course we did.

Magnet letters that spell:
"gosh yall"
"sonja skye"

We drunk-purchased t-shirts and then drunk-Ubered to the airport where we drunk-drank some more and promised to be better about texting each other.

Gosh y’all, I love her so much.


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