I’m writing this in notes on my phone on the plane because after half an hour of searching, I finally found the power plug and don’t have to worry that my phone will die before I land and I won’t be able to Uber to my hotel. 

I’m going to see Skye! Last time we saw each other was two years ago. I live in North Carolina and she lives in California, so sometimes we just meet somewhere in the middle. 

The first time was in Minneapolis. I had just left my then-husband. I think Skye suggested the trip mostly because she knew I needed it and she’s a good friend. 

Skye and Sonja
Skye and Sonja do Minneapolis

The second time was Nashville. I wasn’t expecting drama, but a woman that my then-boyfriend was sleeping with messaged me and told me everything that weekend. Skye and I watched a Christmas rom-com (it was October) and she made me laugh and I tried not to think about it too much. On the flight home, I wept as soon as they turned off the cabin lights. A nice lady gave me a napkin to use as a Kleenex. 

Skye and Sonja in cowboy hats
Skye and Sonja do Nashville

This time we’re going to Austin. I am told it is full of goodness. And turtle races. We have no plans yet except pedicures. And this time, my heart won’t be so freshly broken. Because it’s been like A WHOLE MONTH since someone broke my heart, and currently no one has the power to do it again. So BOOM.

Photo by Carlos Delgado on Unsplash

Skye is one of those friends who instinctively knows what to say and how to lighten the mood, but also how to make you feel like you’re not a dumbass for staying married too long or not realizing your boyfriend was cheating on you for months or moving in with a commitment-phobe or dating someone who wasn’t that into you anyway. She is good people. 

In fact, she tells me she wanted to book this trip because she needed a break from her job/life/etc. and I’m sure that’s true. (Don’t we all?) But I bet when I land and hug her and we start catching up, she’ll already know that I’m raw and fragile from dating these four years since my ex-husband and I separated and that I’ve almost given up. On all of it: Love, partnership, family, happiness. Nothing I tell her will surprise her because she reads between the lines. 

I love her. I need her. I’m so glad to have her. 


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