By the end of yesterday, I was grumpy.

By the time I went to bed, I was weepy.

Today, I have been frustrated.

I’ve been chained to my computer since 8:45 a.m., waiting for a Very Important Announcement That Refuses to Be Announced. We do this a lot on the communications team. It’s part of the job. But it seems extra onerous today because I have to figure out a whole new way of being on top of doing crisis communications.

I used to work from home every day when I was running Pintester. I loved it. Sometimes I stayed in my pajamas til noon and sometimes I watched too much TV, but mostly I worked really hard and was very productive. This seems different, and I know it’s because everyone else is working from home, too. It’s also because we’re still in crisis mode. It’s also because there is no end in sight where I can unwind with friends at a bar or even visit my family. Also, also, also. I know. We’re all trying to figure out the same shit. And some of you have to do it with your kids around.

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So here’s my plan for tonight when I can actually unplug:

  • Go for a walk, if it’s not raining. Hell, I might do it even if it IS raining.
  • Make some food with meat in it. I’ve been eating mostly vegetarian because it’s easy, but I need something else.
  • Drink gin. Fine, judge me, but it helps.
  • Figure out how the hell to get some social time in. I think this is going to involve scheduling a chat or a remote movie night watch party.

I’m hoping this is like a diet, you know? The first few days are the worst, when you’re hungry and cranky and just want some ice cream. I’m lonely and cranky and just want to go lick a doorknob. (I mean, not really, but jeez I’m tired of washing my hands every 10 minutes.) But I know I’ll get used to it a little more, and maybe it won’t be my favorite thing, but I can do it for 6 weeks or 8 weeks or whatever until it’s safe out there again.

Maybe I’ll discover I like certain things, like going for walks at lunch or listening to my music as loud as I want, or being able to wear the same pants for days and days.

Also, here is a fart joke for you because fart jokes make everything better.

Categories: Journal


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