Everything really was horrible yesterday. But then I found an online trivia game to play with some friends and it felt like hanging out at a bar, almost.

And I went for a walk.

And I FaceTimed with my sister and nieces.

And I washed my hair.

And I played loud, happy music.

I found my relief valves for all (some?) of this pressure that’s been building up for a week and a half, from work, from news, from social distancing, from worry.

It’s still not great. I’m still going to be out-of-sorts about having bad lighting and hating the way my chin(s) look on Zoom calls. I’m still going to wish I could go eat where I want and shop at thrift stores and fly on airplanes. But it’s better.

And I can see some of the good things a little bit clearer now, too: Families playing out in the yard, couples walking their dogs, people supporting small businesses with their purchases, neighbors helping neighbors. I’m sure some of this stuff was already happening, but I’m also sure more of it is happening right now, and I love that, and I love that I get to see it.

Categories: Journal


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